Hall of Fame
Each year we gather as a community to praise the legacies of our honorees, hear inspiring student speeches, and celebrate Santa Barbara Hillel.
This year, we are delighted to honor Daniel & Mandy Hochman, Michael & Liat Wasserman, and Dan & Laura Habecker at the 2024 Hall of Fame Celebration on Sunday April 14th at 10:30am. To make a tribute in their honor, CLICK HERE AND FILL OUT THE FORM. If you have any questions please email our Development Associate, Rebekah Coleman at rebekah@sbhillel.org or call her at 805-968-1280 x121.
We appreciate everyone who was able to attend last year's incredible event and if you were not able to attend, you were missed and we hope you can join this year. To view the beautiful Tribute Book from last year, click here. If you would like to read the beautiful speeches written by our students please click here, Jamie Orseck and Sacha Boroumand.